What is a cucamelon and How to grow cucamelon, the healthiest fruit you can grow this year

 Although most of us have never heard of the Mexican cucamelon, mouse watermelon, or sour pickle, it is one that you will want to know a lot more about.

This nice fruit is the size of a grape, looks like a mini watermelon, and tastes like cucumber and lime.

A sour fruit that grows on a thin vine, surrounded by ivy-like leaves.

Although their appearance is a bit strange, cucamelons are not a strange genetically modified hybrid, but a delicacy from Central America that has been consumed since pre-Columbian times and is a staple in the Mexican diet.

Just because cucamelons are small does not mean that their nutritional value is low.

Some say it's on its way to becoming the next hot superfood, rich in vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and fiber while being low in calories.

They contain a high level of lycopene and beta-carotene, known for their remarkable antioxidant properties.
Why grow cucamelons.

In addition to its great nutritional benefits, this adorable and tasty fruit is something that you will have difficulty finding in your usual store.

Therefore, it is best to grow them in your garden or orchard. You can enjoy them whenever you want and have fun experimenting with them in all kinds of recipes.

This exotic plant can be part of your garden, since it is one of the easiest to grow, since it suffers very few pests, it does not require excessive care.

Cucamelons are very resistant to drought, even more so than cucumbers. Although they are well known in Mexico and throughout Central America, they can be found growing wild in some parts of the southern US, although they can be grown practically anywhere, just like their relative, the cucumber.

 How to grow cucamelons.

1. Buy the seeds.

Cucamelón seeds are not exactly easy to find. Your best option is to buy them online since you should not pay much more than you would for any other type of seed.

There are several cucamelon seed sellers on Amazon, for example, this one.

Keep in mind that the crops that will do best in your garden or orchard are those that are grown with high-quality seeds that have been carefully maintained and that are adjusted to your growing conditions. When they offer you organic or chemical-free seeds, buy them. In most cases, they will be the best.

Since seeds are not easy to come by, when you have plants and fruits, be sure to save some of the seeds.

 All you have to do is pick up a ripe fruit that has fallen to the ground and place it in a cool place. In about two weeks, you can open it and remove the seeds. Store the seeds in a jar filled with water for a week, then rinse them and let them dry on kitchen paper in a cool place. Once dry, store them in a paper envelope.


 2. Climate.

They are grown as annual vegetables in most areas, although they are technically perennial.

They require a long growing season, with at least 65 to 75 days of warm weather and no frost.

If you live in a colder area, you can grow them in pots and move them indoors to a bright, warm room when nighttime temperatures drop.


 3. Grow cucamelons indoors.

The best way to start growing cucamelon is indoors, about 6-8 weeks before the risk of frost disappears.

Although they can be planted directly into the ground after danger of frost has passed, they are best started indoors and transplanted outside when all danger has passed.

Another option is to plant a seed in each pot, half a centimeter deep, and place them in a greenhouse.

Be patient, cucamelons are slow onset, especially compared to growing cucumbers.

They take longer to germinate, and it may take up to three to four weeks before you start to see those little green shoots appear.


4. Planting place.

Cucamelons like the sun and rich, fast-draining soil. Choose a growing location with exposure to the south and leave a space of at least 12 square inches for each plant.

At least six hours a day of direct sunlight is needed to keep plants healthy and productive. The more sunlight they get, the better they will be.

5. Lattice.

As a vine that can climb up to 10 feet tall, they need a support structure to keep their stems and fruit off the ground, so install a small trellis or cage for tomatoes to grow.
6. Adequate soil.

Like most fruit crops in the garden, the cucamelon needs a lot of food and very good soil drainage to produce at its best.

The soil in which they are grown must be amended with compost to provide nutrition that lasts all season.

7. Water needs.

A constant supply of water is essential for cucamelon cultivation.

You should water every five to seven days during the summer months. When the weather is very hot and dry, increase watering to twice a week.

If you are in a cold climate area, be sure to monitor the soil during prolonged periods of lack of sun: water only if the soil dries to the top only if necessary.

In warm indoor areas, it is best to spread a layer of light mulch around each plant, keeping it from the base of the stems. Mulch can help regulate moisture loss and prevent weeds from invading the plant.

8. Pest problems and replanting.

Incredibly, cucamelons are not only extremely tolerant of harsh conditions, they are virtually immune to all pests and are also resistant to disease. Not even birds mess with them. This means that pest control is not a problem that you have to worry about when growing this plant.

9. Train.

The cucamelon is a plant that needs training, it is the way for your plant to grow neatly.

10. Harvest.

Once the flowering has started, the small fruits of the cucamelons will not be long in coming.

Pick the fruits when they have reached a good size, more or less like a grape.

Pick the first ones at a somewhat earlier stage to force higher fruit production.

After pollination, cucamelon fruits take between 2 and 3 weeks to reach a size suitable for harvest.

Harvest your cucamelons by simply plucking them without tearing the plant. When in doubt, use small scissors.

If you harvest them carefully, they should continue to grow for quite some time, and you should have a bountiful harvest from July to mid-November.

If you are new to this and grow them from seed, don't expect a very large plant the first year.
11. Prune.

It is not necessary to do a very complex pruning, but you will have to do some pruning because, as the season progresses, the vines end up creating a thick mass of foliage on the trellis.

When this starts to happen, some of the leaves will be drowned out by the sunlight and start to yellow. Remove dying leaves.


 How to use cucamelones.

Cucamelons can be used in a wide variety of dishes.

They're great in stir-fries, sauces, and salads, or just eaten raw or sprinkled with dried herbs.

They can also be mixed with sliced peppers and olives, along with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

They can also be pickled, just like cucumbers. The preparation of pickled cucamelones is very easy. It is best to salt them beforehand, since you will get a crisper result and the process will also be much faster.


