Sleep deprivation can trigger sleepwalking in adults

Frequent in children, sleepwalking in adults can be associated with a few hours of sleep for several days in a row.  Photo: Pixabay
Frequent in children, sleepwalking in adults can be associated with a few hours of sleep for several days in a row. Photo: Pixabay


Sleepwalking - sleep disorder characterized by walking or exhibiting other behaviors that would be usual when you are awake - can be caused by excessive sleep deprivation. This is what probably happened to the physiotherapist from Cuiabá, Talyssa Oliveira Taques.

Earlier this month, she fell from the third floor of a hotel in the South Zone of Rio, mistaking a door for a window during a sleepwalking crisis. The professional works in two referral hospitals against Covid-19 in the capital of Mato Grosso and, before the accident, came from several consecutive shifts, according to the family. According to the mother's report, the young woman had not had sleepwalking attacks since childhood.

- The person who is suffering from a sleep restriction day after day is more at risk of having a sleepwalking crisis. Without a doubt, sleep deprivation must have been the triggering factor for her crisis - comments biologist specialized in chronobiology, Claudia Moreno, vice president of the Brazilian Sleep Association.

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It is not yet known exactly what causes sleepwalking. According to experts, the condition is more common in children, ceasing to happen in early adolescence. This is because the brain of the little ones has not yet developed the maturity to consolidate sleep during the night.

- The cause is not known for certain, but it happens due to a disturbance in the transition from sleep to wakefulness, as if the body wakes up, but the brain does not. It happens in predisposed people, and there is usually a family history of sleepwalking crises - explains the doctor Christianne Martins Bahia responsible for the Sleep sector of the Neurology Service at UERJ, explaining that sleepwalking usually occurs two hours after the person goes to sleep.

To wake up or not to sleepwalk during the crisis?

When faced with a sleepwalker in the crisis, many people do not know how to act in order to prevent possible accidents from happening. According to the experts, the ideal is to try to take the sleepwalker to bed without him waking up, touching him as little as possible. However, there is no big problem if the person wakes up during the journey.

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- If the person is awakened, he may wake up very confused and at times aggressive. But nothing serious happens - explains Christianne.

In a pandemic period, when many people are having trouble sleeping, Claudia recommends paying more attention to sleep:

- Sleeping well is essential for the immune system. For the vaccine to work well, for example, you need a good night's sleep. If you have ever experienced any signs of sleep disturbance, see a specialist.
