Rosemary for hair to grow stronger and with less gray


It is very rich in meals and an infusion of this aromatic plant calms digestive spasms. But its best known use in natural cosmetics is to strengthen hair.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a plant with a lot of history. Since ancient times it was considered a plant capable of warding off diseases and even spells. Later science proved that rosemary contains antiseptic, antioxidant and even relaxing substances, which is why it can soothe pain in the digestive system. Its effectiveness in improving memory and concentration was also verified, especially if rosemary essential oil is used to perfume environments. What has been most successful with rosemary, however, is the property of making hair grow, and make it stronger. 

Rosemary stimulates circulation, activates the production of melanocytes - thus preventing gray hair - and can fight fungi and bacteria. 

To use this virtue of rosemary, you have to prepare a lotion, which is used as a last rinse or applied with a vaporizer twice a day, morning and night. In order not to attack the hair with alcohol, instead of using rosemary tincture, a concentrated infusion is used. One tablespoon of dried rosemary is calculated for every 300 ml of boiling water. Let it cool, strain and place in a container, a part to rinse the hair when washing and another to apply dry.

It is convenient to prepare a small amount and do it daily so that it retains its properties. Subsequently apply topically on the scalp, slightly damp or dry. A gentle massage should be done, since the function of rosemary is to activate the blood circulation of the scalp. Also, it favors those who have dandruff or a tendency to dermatitis, because it acts against fungi.

Other medicinal herbs for hair growth and health are nettle and horsetail. You can use them with rosemary, in a combined infusion, and obtain even greater benefits.
