Physical activity boosts immune system, but too much can harm health

 Experts give tips on how to exercise the right way so as not to shake your immune system

Physical activity is recommended to boost immunity and protect against the new coronavirus.  Photo: Márcia Foletto 28-10-2020 / Agência O Globo

“The difference between the medicine and the poison is the dose”. The statement also applies to physical activity. Studies show that exercising regularly helps the body keep its immune system strengthened. However, making mistakes in training intensity can end up having the opposite effect. And in a pandemic period, this can become dangerous.

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According to Fabio Ceschini, specialist in exercise physiology and founder of the Traveling through Physiology platform, when we do any type of exercise, the body responds by activating the immune system. After finishing, immunity remains high - compared to rest - for about six hours.

- When we exercise, the contracting muscle produces an enormous amount of substances called myocins (muscle proteins), and many fight inflammatory effects. During and after exercise, what we have is a reduction in inflammatory substances and an increase in anti-inflammatory substances - he explains.

However, when the exercises are done at an intensity higher than your body can handle, there is a risk that the body will start to produce more inflammatory substances, opening doors for infections.

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It happened a few times with the businessman Paulo Serrano, 61 years old, who trains races and has participated in several marathons.

- I trained in the morning in the sand and at night in the gym. There was a day that I had to anticipate and train in the afternoon, and then I got cold symptoms. I realized that whenever I crossed my limit, I was more vulnerable to the flu.

During physical activity, the body issues alerts that the intensity is excessive.

- The signs are clear: dizziness, drop in activity performance, slower execution speed and cramps - lists personal trainer Roberto Palli.

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In addition to dosing physical activity, it is also necessary to respect the rest time.

- Rest is a primary factor for balance in physical activities - concludes Leonardo Peixoto, a physical education professional and owner of the Navvii academy, along with his cousin Nelson Peixoto.

Between being sedentary and exercising, the second option is always better. To reduce chances of error, the ideal is to have the help of a physical education professional.

Ten tips for exercising safely and pleasurably

Do not try to make up for lost time - Depending on the type of lack of physical conditioning, a resumption of exercises without the assistance of a professional can trigger, in addition to dysfunction of the immune system, serious muscle injuries. So, take it easy and don't exceed your limits.

Aerobic training - In the case of walking, running or cycling, it is recommended to practice 30 minutes daily. Better little daily than 60 minutes three times a week.

Divided effort  - If possible, split the exercise session (be it weight training, walking or cycling) into shorter periods, twice a day. For example, 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening.

Bodybuilding  - In workouts like weight training, the ideal is to alternate a day of physical activity with another day of rest. Resting is essential for good bodybuilding results. And do not exceed 60 minutes on the day of training.

Attention to intensity - Avoid exercise models with greater mobilization of muscle mass, such as running at high speed, to avoid hyperventilation (increased breathing frequency) during practice. In the case of weight training, pay attention to the amount of weight being used. Beginners should start with very light loads.

Protected against the virus - If you do physical activity outside the home (outdoors or at the gym) remember to wear your mask and clean your hands frequently using soap and water or alcohol gel.

Pay attention to the signs - If there is discomfort with the mask, such as dizziness and acceleration of breathing, reduce the intensity of the activity and increase the interval time of the exercises.

Hydrate yourself frequently - The use of the mask makes hydration a little difficult. However, taking proper care, such as removing the mask by the elastic, hydrate yourself before, during and after physical activity. Hydration is very important, especially in the summer.

Have a good diet - A balanced diet rich in fresh foods helps not only with the aesthetic results of physical activity, but also with increasing immunity. Therefore, invest also in natural menus and with seasonal foods.

Choose a pleasant activity - The best physical activity is always the one you like to do. If you still don't have any favorites, try them one at a time and choose the one you like best, as this increases the chances of you practicing it as often as necessary.
