Make your own ecological insecticide to combat garden pests


All of these products are cheap and very easy to make. The good news is that most of the ingredients you need to make an ecological insecticide are in your kitchen (or at the herbalist).

There are various plants such as nettle, garlic, onion, horsetail or lavender, from which we can extract a plant component that works as an ecological pesticide and thus protect our garden from unwanted tenants.

Garlic: With 4 or 5 cloves of garlic crushed in a liter of water, resting 24 hours, and then boiled, you get an insecticide that drives away mites, aphids, ants and prevents the appearance of fungi. If you also want to finish with the worms, put about five garlic cloves with 500 cc of alcohol and another 500 cc of water in a blender. Another very useful ecological insecticide where garlic is the protagonist is the one that includes crushed garlic –about 90 grams-, two tablespoons of oil, water and a tablespoon of powdered white soap. After letting the garlic and oil marinate for 24 hours, add the rest of the ingredients. Spray the mixture on your plants and you will see how soon you end up with caterpillars and whiteflies.

Onions. It is enough to boil an onion with a liter of water to obtain a solution that ends with invaders such as fungi or aphids. You can use the whole onion or just the peel.

Lavender. Ants and lavender don't get along. Therefore, the best ecological insecticide to combat them is the one that you can cook yourself by boiling a liter of water with about 300 grams of fresh lavender leaves.

Ruda . Rue is a medicinal plant that helps keep aphids, flies and mosquitoes away from our plants. You only need to boil 200 grams of rue leaves in a liter of water and that's it!

Nettles. With the nettles we can prepare a kind of puree that eliminates the aphids and at the same time serves as a fertilizer. The recipe is very simple: put 100 grams of nettle and 10 liters of water in a metal container. Let it sit for about four days and spray it on the affected areas.

Tobacco. With 60 grams of tobacco, a little white soap and a liter of water you can get a natural and ecological insecticide that will keep mealybugs, aphids, worms and spider mites away from your garden. The ingredients are macerated for 24 hours, filtered and then diluted in three liters of water.

Sage. For those who suffer the invasion of butterfly larvae, they have it easy: they only have to mix a handful of crushed sage leaves with a liter of water.    

Horsetail . And to eliminate fungus from rose bushes, there is nothing better than horsetail. The recipe: 250 grams of plant macerating for 24 hours in a liter of water.

Forget going to the supermarket to buy pesticides. Using these simple and practical recipes to make ecological insecticides, we obtain great benefits: we eliminate pests, we take care of the environment, we do not endanger our health, and we also save money.
