How to return to physical activity after having Covid


Both for people with Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome and for all those who due to the infection have difficulties to resume their daily activities, it is recommended to gradually start a physical exercise program. 

For this reason, it is best to consult with a doctor, who may order a series of cardiological tests before we return to exercising with more intensity.



Recommendations to return to physical activity


Perform physical exercise daily. Except if you present: fever (more than 37ยบ degrees), more feeling of shortness of breath than usual, general malaise and / or muscle pain.

Avoid long periods sitting or not moving: every hour it is recommended to perform an aerobic exercise (for example, walking, running, jumping in static) and two body-building exercises (such as getting up and sitting down from a chair, push-ups against a wall).

Monitor the intensity of the exercises through the sensation of lack of air that they cause us:

-Mild intensity if breathing is slightly accelerated but not difficult.

-Moderate intensity if breathing accelerates even more and it is possible to speak, but not sing.

-High intensity if breathing is very accelerated and it is not possible to speak without interrupting sentences.

Specialists recommend starting with light intensities and progressively moving towards moderate intensities if the adaptation has been adequate. If the recommended intensity is exceeded, it is preferable to reduce the number of repetitions or the work time.

Control breathing during exercises and do not do them in apnea (especially strength exercises).



Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome: how to act

Physical and mental rest: reduce the use of television, telephone and social networks, and dedicate moments of relaxation and rest throughout the day.

Maintain healthy sleep habits. It is likely that more hours of sleep are required than usual.

A balanced diet and abundant hydration.

Perform a daily physical activity adapted to the energy level. It is preferable to do simple exercises every hour instead of being inactive for long periods and accumulating all the physical activity in a single moment of the day.
