How to "learn to eat" including simple habits in your day to day

Every time we worry more about our eating habits to gain well-being, and, above all, health. In our eagerness to "learn to eat" to achieve both external and internal well-being, we follow advice from acquaintances, consult nutrition books, follow the diets of influencers on social networks to the letter ... but are we really? doing well?


Miracle diets do not exist, but there are nutritional strategies that can keep us in our weight, or even lose a few kilos, but they can also help us gain health and enjoy a better quality of life.


Most people recognize that they “eat badly” but, following these 10 tips from the experts at 'MyFast', “learning to eat” will be much easier than we think.

1. Eat enough fruit and vegetables. Minimum 3 servings a day.

2. Include in our dishes rich sources of protein, such as eggs, fish or meat, or compensate with sufficient sources of vegetable protein - legumes, cereals - with 1 or 2 servings a day.

3. Take 2-3 tablespoons of quality vegetable oil every day.

4. Combine the foods of each meal well. Ideally, the first course should consist of vegetable products and as the second, a source of fat protein or high-calorie carbohydrates, such as cereals.

5. Drink enough water and stay well hydrated, it is advisable to drink 2 liters a day.

6. Eat 5 times a day so that hunger does not overcome you. But both at lunch and as a snack, bet on a piece of fruit or a yogurt, combined with a handful of nuts.

7. Be physically active.

8. Try to sleep 8 hours a day, since being rested also influences our diet.

9. Meditating and doing breathing exercises will help us get to lunch with less anxiety, so try to spend a little time, even if it's 5 minutes, every day.

10. Avoid overloading yourself with work and obligations in our day to day life, as well as avoiding very stressful situations. Since stress pushes us not to eat as we should.
