Effectively combat annoying fruit flies in your kitchen

The fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) is a dipteran insect that feeds on decaying products such as ripe fruit and vegetables, although it is also found in places where vinegar is produced. This very small fly has a light brown head and thorax and a darker abdomen.

These insects invade our homes and it is time to put an end to them before they get out of control, and it is not an exaggeration: in a week a fly can ovulate 120 times. Look at some measures to avoid overcrowding in your kitchen.

Do not attract them. The first thing is to avoid having "callers". Dirty dishes in the sink, food scraps on the counter, uncovered garbage cans and decomposing fruits make them settle in your kitchen. 

Repel them

-Have plants in the kitchen can be a way to prevent mosquitoes from flitting around the kitchen. Two aromatics are especially suitable to scare them away: basil and mint. They do not like its strong aromas and they scare them away. Other plants are also useful, such as: lavender, calendula and citronella. 
-Place crushed bay leaves in a jar (without a lid). To scare them away, it is also worth hanging a laurel branch in the kitchen. 
- Cut a lemon in half and puncture each part with six or seven cloves. Leave them on a plate on your kitchen counter.
-I lit scented candles, like citronella. 





-If you are short on patience, this is a drastic solution. Wet a napkin with apple cider vinegar. The mosquitoes will be attracted to your scent and when they are all gathered, turn on the vacuum! Pull / wipe the appliance bag as far away from your kitchen door as possible.

-Make fly traps. An effective option is to put a small container with a mixture of three tablespoons of vinegar, one of detegent and water. Place it on the counter and you will see that they will drown in the liquid.

-Place three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar at the bottom of a jar or glass and close the container with plastic wrap or a piece of nylon (if it is black, the better because it attracts them more). Then make small holes in the nylon (like with the tip of a pencil). Mosquitoes will be attracted to the smell, but will not be able to get out. If you don't have apple cider vinegar, you can also put a piece of fruit in the container. As soon as it begins to decompose it will be a hook for the mosquitoes. 

- If you don't have a glass jar, you can also make a trap with a plastic bottle. Cut off the top and place it on the bottom of the bottle just like a funnel. 


Anti mosquito spray


- Put in a spray bottle: 1/2 cup of water, 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and 3 tablespoons of citronella essence. Shake until the ingredients are well mixed. Spray on the mosquitoes to scare them away. 
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-Another option is to place pure rectified alcohol in the spray bottle. It will kill them instantly.
