Cats: why do they choose to sleep at the foot of the bed?


Cats don't seem to mind violating your personal space. This is especially true for owners who cannot stretch their legs at night because their cat occupies what appears to be all the available space at the foot of the bed.

Cats are not creatures that tend to show signs of care and respect: they are little considered, but that is not the only reason they do this.

According to an article published in Vets Explain Pets, a site that specializes in pet consultation, cats tend to stay in close physical proximity with those who care for them. If you feed them and attend to their needs, they will want to stay with you.

If that's true, and no cat can confirm it, why not choose a closer location? It may have something to do with a pet's survival instincts.



Getting tangled up in bedding or having to let go of someone's arm is not a good situation for a cat, who wants to be ready to run at all times.

Being at the foot of the bed allows them freedom of movement. 

Some cats may also have a sense of responsibility for their well-being and want to be around as a protective mechanism. Being at the foot of the bed also allows visibility of who is coming and going in a room.

Naturally, there may also be some selfishness. Being next to a human at night and giving off body heat creates a more welcoming environment.

While cats generally express affection by sleeping with people, it is still partly to make them feel comfortable as well. And because cats are territorial by nature, his perspective on all of this may be slightly different than yours: Your cat might think that he is the one sharing his bed with you.

