Artichoke tea benefits for skin, weight loss, fatty liver and diabetes


It is not only a food: the artichoke or artichoke is a medicinal plant of great value in liver care. And furthermore, since the infusion of this plant lowers cholesterol, improves fatty liver and lowers glucose in the blood.

The artichoke or artichoke is a golden ally for those who have fatty liver or diabetes. Its main power lies in the ability to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, added to its direct action on the liver, a choleretic action that increases bile secretion. This property is very convenient in case of congestion, heavy digestions or lazy livers, poor digestion of fats and jaundice. The artichoke also acts against constipation and stimulates the regeneration of liver cells when they are exposed to different toxins.

Besides, it is highly recommended for diabetics as it reduces the level of sugar in the blood, taking a glass of infusion a day of said plant. Artichokes are indicated in the diet of diabetics because it lowers the blood sugar level.

Inulin, what is it for

After water, the main component of the artichoke are carbohydrates, among which the presence of inulin stands out. Inulin is the most important reserve carbohydrate in artichoke. Artichoke synthesizes inulin molecules with a chain length of up to 200 units, the highest degree of polymerization (GP) known for inulin in plants. 

What is inulin? It is classified as a prebiotic that provides our gut bacteria with the right kind of fuel. It is a natural form of carbohydrate that is classified as a fructan and that we find mainly in vegetables and fruits. Inulin does not break down with digestion and provides nourishment for the microbiota. It also has a very important role in reducing cholesterol and glucose in the blood.

More properties of the artichoke


Diuretic The artichoke has cleansing properties and a diuretic effect that promote weight loss. Perfect to avoid fluid retention.

Fat burn. It favors the digestion of fats and the elimination of toxins from our body. It is a very suitable vegetable in weight loss diets, since it helps to lose volume and its caloric content is quite low.

Colagoga and choleretic. Among the therapeutic properties of artichoke, its ability to regulate the formation and release of bile stands out. It exerts regulatory action on the kidney, favors the elimination of water and waste substances. Therefore, it is indicated for all functional and organic diseases of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, as well as for disorders of the digestive organs that derive from them. 

Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. This effect is due to the presence of cynarin in the artichoke, a substance that acts by preventing the synthesis of endogenous cholesterol and lipids while increasing the biliary excretion of cholesterol and its transformation into bile acids.

The artichoke infusion can be made with a fresh artichoke, boiled for 10 minutes with 3 minutes rest, and only a couple of cups are taken a day. You can also find the leaves in herbal stores and standardized extracts to take in drops, often with the addition of other cleansing herbs and cholagogues.
